Technical /Architectural Drafting
Course Number 21106 / 21103
Mr. Donelan
Course Description: This course is designed to employ conventional drafting techniques and to produce competent drawings that meet appropriate standards as it pertains to the engineering and architectural field. It also employs todays technology, using CADD techniques and equipment to produce construction-related plans, wall sections, and bridge details to secure needed information to build the project. This course focuses on a graphic language used to convey necessary and specific information that expresses and records ideas for those who produce, use, and service products. Emphasis is placed on the use of CADD in the preparation of detailed drawings, including surface development, intersection, welding, diagrams, threads, mapping, descriptive geometry, auxiliary views and revolutions.
Instructional Philosophy and Instructional Delivery Plan: Students will be expected to meet all course goals and demonstrate a competency with a minimum of 65% accuracy. The class work will be mainly hands-on experience. The students will learn vocabulary, symbols, drafting fundamentals, drafting skills and techniques for problem solving and also provide the basic understanding necessary to allow students to progress to computer-aided design and drafting.
Student assessment will be based on quality of the drawing. The drawing will conform with se standards set by ANSI (American National Standards Institute). Students drawing skills, problem solving and quizzes. The quality and accuracy of the students drawing will carry more weight in grading than quiz scores.
Course Goals:
· Explain how to use drawing instruments and techniques.
· Discuss an draw the alphabet of lines
· Discuss and draw architectural lettering.
· Discuss and draw basic orthographic projections.
· Discuss the principal view in architecture.
· Discuss and illustrate a variety of home designs.
· Study local building codes and regulations
· Perform land surveys (mapping).
· Perform an estimate of materials.
· Evaluate use of materials.
· Present the benefits of computer-aided drafting and design.
· Review CADD software.
· Introduce CADD commands and functions.
· Prepare and present a drawing.
· Evaluate drawings.
Course Syllabus Engineering Graphics Technology Page 2
Major Course Projects:
Research and analyze a career of their choice in the Technical Drafting field with a two page paper will be prepared and presented to the class.
Technical and CADD Drawings will make up the major projects. The teacher will prepare information about the drawing that required skills and accuracy to be challenging for the students abilities.
Performance Standards:
The Brandon Valley School grading scale will be used.
Percentages will be determined in the following manner:
60% projects/lab grade (Projects that are not finished will be graded as a zero) (rubrics system of grading will be used.)
30% test of your grade (5 points each)
10% daily of your grade (2 points each)
Late Work will be accepted.
1st day late 20% of grade
2nd day late 50% of grade
3rd day late 0%
Extra credit opportunities will be made available to the students.
General shop safety will be discussed in class
Grading System for Written Tests, Daily Work, Lab Tasks and Skills, Final Grade:
A 95-100 A- ..92-94
B+ 89-91 B . .86-88 B- ..83-85
C+ 80-82 C 77-79 C- ..74-76
D+ 71-73 D 68-70 D- ..65-67
F ..64->
Student will be evaluated as follows:
Evaluation Criteria Method of Evaluation Percent
Daily participation Attendance, class behavior, 15
Participation, lab work
Projects Portfolios, written and oral presentations 20
Quality of finished projects
Performance Adequacy of competency performance 15
And safety
Tests Unit tests, practical quizzes 25
Final examination Comprehensive, objective and practical 25
Course Standards
TD1.1. Define basic drafting tools and techniques used on technical drawings
TD1.2. Integrate geometric construction for technical drafting
TD1.3. Define dimensioning styles and techniques on metric and imperial drawings
TD1.4. Demonstrate various drawing scales used in technical drafting
TD1.5. Identify proper terminology and examine career possibilities
TD2.1. Create multi-view and orthographic projections
TD2.2. Illustrate isometric and pictorial drawings
TD3.2. Apply Cad software in technical design
TD2.4. Demonstrate various threads and fasteners used in design.
TD2.5. Integrate various drawings to create a detailed assembly.
TD3.1. Compare computer aided software used in technical design
TD2.3. Create sectional views and conventions
Course Standards
AD1.1. Describe basic house design concepts
AD1.2. Summarize modern innovations and techniques used in new construction.
AD1.3. Demonstrate drawing instruments and drafting techniques
AD2.1. Create plot plans and site development
AD2.2. Analyze architectural knowledge to create a foundation plan
AD2.3. Integrate architectural design to develop a floor plan
AD2.4. Illustrate elevation and perspective views
AD3.2. Apply CAD software to architectural design
AD3.1. Compare various types of CAD software